Position your company for success in the circular economy.
Connect with the right earth-friendly packaging solutions for your product and partner with industry leaders to accelerate the development and adoption of sustainable packaging technologies.

Work together to evolve the industry.

Build the solutions of the future, and become a leader in the circular economy.
We believe that the materials of the future will be inspired by nature, and work in harmony with nature's natural cycles. We will develop these materials by working together, asking the right questions, and aligning our energies around right challenges.
Our unique collaborative innovation process allows for a wide variety of experts to quickly get on the same page and work together on a shared goal. We bring together packaging manufacturers, material scientists, brands, biologists, waste manager and biomimicry professionals, just to name a few. See a case study of our work
Interested in hosting your own RCD Packaging Innovation session or workshop? To see a case study of our work,

Maximize performance and product-market fit.
Bring your ideas to life, and streamline the development process
Are you a material or technology provider looking to bring a new packaging solution to the CPG market? We understand the needs of brands, and the performance requirements of packaging. With our expertise in packaging manufacturing and material technology, we can help pull your solutions through the supply chain.
FORMATS: Compostable, Recyclable and Bio-based Flexible Film & Labels, Folding Cartons, Molded Fiber, and Injection Molded Rigid
ENGINEERING: Technical Specifications, Material Selection, Functional Barrier Structures, Multi-layer Laminates, Manufacturing Equipment Specification
MATERIALS: Wood Cellulose, Functional Biopolymers, Hemp Fibers

Partner with a strong network of manufactures and materials suppliers

Gain access to a strong network of top-quality manufacturers and material providers
Are you a packaging manufacturer looking to incorporate sustainable materials in your capabilities? We can provide you with the leading sustainable materials that meet the needs of brands and are made to run on standard production equipment.
Are you a brand looking for the best sustainable packaging solutions available on the market today? We can design the right material structure and connect you to our network of best-in-class manufacturers and material suppliers. We manage the integration and qualification process to bring you a head-ache free, turn-key solution.
PRODUCTION COORDINATION: Turn-Key Procurement, Stage-gate Packaging Qualification, Automation Equipment Integration, Production Management, Quality Control
CAPABILITIES: Blow Film Extrusion, Muti-layer Flexible Film Lamination, Flexo/Digital Printing, Injection Molding, Folding Carton Manufacturing, Functional Biopolymer Compounding